The best way to meet us to find out more about joining the club is to pop to one of our weekly socials or find one of our members who are regularly down the local climbing wall.
Non-members are more than welcome to join any ‘day meets’, weekend meets or climbing meets that they see on the Facebook page or club website, and this remains the best route into the club, giving folks a flavour of what we are about and whether we are right for you.
Most weekend meets have two spaces reserved for prospective members.
To become a member of the club, you will need to:
1) Find 2 current members who are prepared to put their names on your membership form. Ask both of these folks to message the membership secretary stating that they are happy to ‘sponsor’ your membership. Both these members should have walked or climbed with you.
2) Fill out a membership form, sign it, and scan it or take a photo of it. Or simply hand it to any committee member.
3) Use the Contact Us – Membership Secretary link above to say that you have a membership form to send. They will respond by email and you can attach the photo of your form to your response.
4) Transfer the membership fee into the club bank account (the details are on the membership form). Please use the format ‘New Subs <name>’ for the reference. The fees are £25 for 2024. A reduced fee applies if joining from July.
5) The membership secretary will check the form and your sponsors, make sure the money got transferred and send you out a membership card by post.
6) Partake in club activities! At this point, you can join the WhatsApp group
Benefits Of OMC Membership
- Unrestricted first-come, first-served places on club meets
- Copies of The Ochils Mountaineer newsletter quarterly online (the highest-numbered edition is the most recent)
- You will receive the Mountaineering Scotland magazine every quarter (Other MS Benefits)
- Right to attend club training sessions such as winter skills, bouldering, night navigation, abseiling etc.
- 3rd party insurance via MS